Toy box
This is my momentary place for cute pixel art and similar stuff! It may move in the future. Alas. I am a bit of a hoarder, so this may grow out of hand quite rapidly.
Other creatures


Cool people
Press a button to be taken to some cool site! It may be someone who has a great layout, amazing writing, or something else I love.
Neat links
Every website needs a links page!Cute radio game
Food for people in need
Flower meanings
Gothic time machine
Find neat music
Electric zine maker
Code for making a dollzmaker
Plant care advice
Tech workers rebel against a lame-ass internet by bringing back geocities style webrings
A set of search engines and such :)
Internet bumper stickers
Radio garden, a place to listen to most (all?) radio stations
Dollz netiquette
Page about the robots.txt file -- which I had not heard of before now!
How to read more. I don't think reading insane amounts is a goal everyone needs to have, but this has some good advice.
Historical railways in Sweden! Very interesting imo.
Medieval carpentry
Images galore... I have no better description
Antonymph, aka my fave web experience I think
Internet stoop
Rural indexing project
Dishonourable mention: Swedish puns.