Gale fan page ♡
My first interaction with Bg3 was watching my friend play it in their living room. Honestly, my interest was lukewarm. While impressed with the graphics they didn't strike my fancy (I have strange, specific preferences) and while I love DnD i didn't think there was much reason to play it in video game form. Besides, I've played my fair share of Bg2 and while it was fun... well, I was a small child. It wasn't too interesting back then.
So, there we were, looking through the origin characters. I was told that Astarion was the fan favourite. Truth be told, as much as I love vampires... he didn't strike my immediate fancy. I think I'm just sick of blonde boys. Gale, however? "Oh, he's cute! Reminds me of Laszlo!", I told my friend. They agreed, and told me that Gale is their favourite. We went into the game, and finally came to his introuction scene. Oh, what a character. He immediately popped into the microwave that is my brain, and there he has remained. ♡
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Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep is a human wizard with a deep connection to the weave. He's shown natural talent ever since he was a child, and as his powers grew he got the attention of Mystra herself; the goddess of magic. She took him under her wing, becoming his teacher and, as time passed, lover. Gale was intent on impressing her, and in doing so he went out to find a shard of the weave that went missing in the far past (henceforth known as "the netherese orb"). He did find it - an impressive feat - but as he was going to give it to Mystra he accidentally absorbed it himself. Mystra did not take it in stride once she found out, and ended their relationship.
After his relationship with Mystra ended he spent some time in his tower in Waterdeep with his Tressym, Tara, as his only company. The netherese orb needs to be "fed" with magical items in order to not explode, leaving Gale's tower, as he remarks, uncharacteristically tidy. This is a common complaint about Gale, seeing as it makes you lose some magic stuff to him at the start, but it ceases in the second act.
When you meet Gale in game he's stuck in a magic portal, with only his hand sticking out, asking for help. After you save him he can join your party, and if it's full he waits in camp. The dialogue in that case informs you that he's going to cook for the party while you're gone. What a guy!
At the start of the second act he gets visited by the powweful wizard Elminster, who has a message from Mystra. She asks that Gale use the netherese orb in his chest to take out the absolute, killing Gale in the process. What the fuck? It's avoidable, at the very least if you romance him, based on my own playthrough.
I haven't gotten past act two, yet, lol
Originally, Gale seems to be a card in magic: the gathering, called "Gale, waterdeep prodigy". He's a legendary human wizard! Quite accurate, if you ask me!

Here I have some fanart that i really like, and links to the artists pages! If you're looking for more the tag "bg3 gale romancer" on my Tumblr is an easy way to find them! This really just is a small sample to show that there is a lot of cool stuff out there :)
By my incredibly cool mutual starsspiral
By wald-prinz

By raintides
By ssalballoon

This one has a second part!! LOOK AT IT!! By miasmat
By softsyart
By shalizeh7
By garnetdawn
By illumancer

Character analasys
Also known as "microwaving him in my head", this is where the overanalasys happens. For now it's mostly links, but maybe I'll actually add anything besides "asfdjskdjdjf" to them lol
Gifted kid burnoutYes, this post may make me cry every time. What about it?
Not explicitly about Gale, but it is to me.Chubby Gale in my heart ♡
Ex-extrovert Gale
I actually really love that Gale is overly social, it really resonates with me. He'd take Tav to a ball, isn't that lovely? It is to me
Cat dad voice TMMuch like I speak in a sisterly/cat mom voice, I love that Gale speaks in a cat dad voice. "Stoplickingthedamnthing", as they say.
Feeding you like a stardew valley characterSorcerer vibes?
New little family
Okay but like. Gale's been conjuring animals since he was a toddler. His mother is NOT likely to be surprised that he went and adopted an owlbear. Nor my fae-like Tav, for that matter, come to think about it...
Mystra, the toxic ex gf...Well-written autism
Husband material
Speaking of husbands...
Mystra :(
She's really well-written, though Spider therapy
I'm not crying you are
Crying even harder
Cooking is magic, too,
I'm normal about him
Finally, for now, I'm a gamer girl
Also, I love how Gale talks with his hands! So do I lol! It's charming!