I love the snow, but why is Janjurarey so difficult to spell?
Yet another new year. It's been a while since I updated the diary, but the other activity on the site has been proof I'm alive, I think :)
The last couple of months have generally been quite fun (I mean, I'm an avid Jul-enjoyer and all), but my mood was dampened, to say the least, when my grandmother passed away a couple of days ago. Alas, I have no other choice but to keep doing my race, no matter how strange and awful the fact that she's gone feels. I have known she was bound to pass away quite soon for a while now, which helps, but it obviously still hurts so incredibly much. This little poem is one of many that reminds me of her:
Allt vackert som jag drömt,
jag har i hjärtat gömt.
Där finns en bild av lyckan,
som aldrig jag glömt.
I min lilla lilla värld av blommor,
finns det plats för alla och envar.
Där på gröna ängar barnen leka,
och bland blommor dansar jag.
Och sommarvindar våra kinder smeka,
och solen den skall lysa varje dag.
I min lilla lilla värld av blommor,
där skall alltid, alltid lyckan dröja kvar.
Men sörj ej blommor små,
nog kan ni väl förstå,
att ni skall följa med mig,
jag vill ej ensam gå.
I min lilla lilla värld av blommor,
finns det plats för alla och envar.
Uti träden alla fåglar sjunga
om det vackra på vår jord.
Och där finns inte några sorger tunga,
och aldrig får du höra hårda ord
I min lilla lilla värld av blommor,
där skall alltid, alltid lyckan dröja kvar.
Especially the verse that translates (very) roughly to "But do not weep my little flowers, you must understand, that you shall come with me, I don't want to go alone". She really loved flowers. I'm not religious, but I do find the idea that she's still... somewhere, waiting on us, very comforting.
On a slightly lighter note I think it's reasonable to look back on the past year, or more specifically the first entry of last year. I skipped nye this year too, due to a very mild cold and generally just being tired. It was nice. I think I was playing sims, haha. I have made "rambling" more interesting and am much more pleased with it now, and am generally better at and more confident with CSS, which I think shows. Not that I'm displeased with this part of the site, but who knows, it may see a certain level of stylising too, this year. Not to a newspaper, maybe, but I think a dithered background looks lovely and would like to play around with a layout that'd be both more and less straightforward. It's a thought in progress, but you know.
The recipes page has also been integrated into the new version of rambling (The Paper, in case that was unclear), and the Vampires page has seen the update I was hoping to pull off last year. However, I once again believe my CSS-skills have changed to the point where I could do even more and better. I'm actually excited to get to that, sometime, now that the thought has struck me. Slowly but surely this site will be molded closer and closer to being exactly what I want it to be... (oh, that blog idea is still underdeveloped at best, but I may stick with it in another way. Who knows?)
As for generally commenting on things that happened last year, the piercings are doing okay, and if I have money left I'll pierce my nose the 21st. Mum has already taken her first swim of the year, I'm waiting for... well, spring. I love mapping and my studies and as mentioned solved the privacy issue by making a "proffesional" site (where I like, write in a program that registers misspellings and with proper academic standards and all that absurd stuff) -- It's up and running now, but only just, haha. Still not paying for a domain, but still heavily considering it. Still want to make a cloud appreciation page... and an Andréexpeditionen one. I also still have a generally low screen time, comparatively. about 2.5h is the general average, I'd say, which is telling since I still spend upwards of 30 min a day turning my alarms off, and the majority of the other time is messaging apps and productivity stuff (like train tickets, banking etc) with some pinterest sprinkled in. Let's not think too hard about my computer screen time, though. This site and pixel cat's end is uh. Important.
Anyway, as per usual I'll go back to writing the assignment this is a procrastination on. Hopefully the next one will be less gloomy. Take care ❤