Installments from my sketchbook
It is, in all honesty, quite rare for me to draw if it's not in whatever sketchbook I have at the time. As such, I figure it's reasonable to put things I'm pleased with someplace! That place, at the current moment, is here.
Currently, my sketchbooks are from Rossi 1931 and I genuinely could not love them more if I tried. The paper is perfectly off-white and the way they look when a bit worn-out is among my favourite things.
The first sketchbook I finished is from 2018 - I must've been in ninth grade. The last dated thing from it is from 2019. I think the last image is from the very end of that year.

My first filled sketchbook, and the first page of it. Name censored.
My second filled sketchbook was in use during upper secondary school. There aren't really any dates in it to go by, but it was definitely in use during covid, and I don't think it was still in use during my third year. Maybe just 2020 and early 2021? I can't quite recall.

Front of sketchbook 2 - note puffy dino stickers.

Covid-puns and such. Colors odd due to some of the drawings not wanting to show up properly.
Sketchbook three and four have some overlap, and no. 3 especially has unclear start- and end dates. I seem to have a gap in third year of upper secondary school, which checks out since it was quite the intense year. I'd estimate it to start the summer of 2022 (possibly even 2021) and ending december 2023. This was my first Rossi 1931-sketchbook.

Front of sketchbook 3. First page was left blank.
Sketchbook 4, on the other hand, has exact dates. It was used between Jan. 7th 2023 and March 27th 2024. This is obviously quite recent, but I still want to make a point of how I'm very pleased with a lot of the drawings in it - even some of the earliest ones! The start is very hand-focused which I really enjoy, too.
This is the first of the pocket- sized
Rossi 1931-sketchbooks I got, and I must admit that it's my favourite sketchbook to date. Many of the pages will be discussed in some depth later on, I imagine.

My fourth filled sketchbook, and the first page of it. I love how it looks.
This brings us to my current sketchbook, which was started August 8th this year (2024) and feels like a world of possibilities... I have filled the majority of 16 pages so far, which in truth is next to nothing (and doesn't mean they aren't going to change drastically in the fututre).
So far I am only truly pleased with one page, but I think that's because I have been in a mood of being a bit disinterested in what I've been drawing, as well as a potential phase of disconnect between what I can see and what I can create... It happens to the best of us. It's not like the rest is bad, per se, it's just that I really am not jiving with it. I also think I was trying very hard to re-produce the results I liked in the last sketchbook, without considering the processes that got me there.

My current sketchbook, and the first page of it. "the fear and excitement of a new sketchbook"
I have also noticed that my standard colors do not worok with graphite...
Installment one
This sketch is the first one in the new sketchbook I am properly pleased with. It is made using micron fine liners in size 005 and 08, as well as a white gel pen, though only sparsely.
The "theme" I ended up landing on was inspired by a song by the swedish artist Ossler: Huset vid sjön, which I interpret as being about a woman who the singer loved deeply, but who withdrew from him to live a life caring for her plants - the things she loves most, maybe to the detriment to her own health.
The lyrics to the bottom left are from that song, and roughly translate to: I never understood it, some kind of metaphysics. A wish for eternal growth, a

lust for creating life. You took root by that swamp, planted your seeds, and they grew and grew and grew over the top of the roof - in the house by the lake.
The other lyrics come from [ingenting], another swedish band. It's the full lyrics to their song Dina händer är fulla av blommor, Which seems to be about a pair where one side is struggling with her mental health and the other is trying his best to help.
My favourite part of the lyrics read as follow: Läser ditt brev, du skriver att du blivit så trött, Kanske inte orkar mer. Så jag ringer dig, du säger att du känner dig tom. Älskling kan du inte se, Dina händer är fulla av blommor, Dina ögon är fulla av liv.